Bath UK’s online weather station providing realtime weather conditions, forecasts and archives of Bath’s weather history.


Last Reading at: 20:56,
Time of next update: 00:00

Temperature now: 15.4°C
Windchill now: 15.4°C
Temp change last hour: -2.1°C
Humidity now: 70 %
Dewpoint now: 10.0°C
Today's max temp: 22.3°C at 15:00
Today's min temp: 11.8°C at 09:00
Today's min windchill: 11.8°C at 09:00
Average monthly temp: 16.7°C
12-24 hour forecast

increasing clouds with little temp. change. precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hrs.

Average now: 0.0 mph
Gust now: 0.0 mph
Direction now: 283°, WNW
Description now: Calm
Max gust last hour: 2.0 mph WNW mph
Max gust today: 9.0 mph at 10:42
Wind run today: 22.69 miles
Ave wind direction today: West southwesterly
max gust yesterday: 4.0 mph W
Solar now: 0W/m2 (0 % of max)
Time of max sun: 13:07
Max sun hours today: 13:07 hours
Sun hours today: 07:38 hours
Sun yesterday: 03:36 hours
Sun this month: 19:22 hours
Et today: 2.9 mm
Rain today: 0.0 mm
Current rain rate: 0.0 mm/hr
Rain last hour: 0.0 mm
Rain yesterday: 0.0 mm
Rain this month: 2.7 mm
Rain this year: 559.2 mm
Consecutive days no rain: 1
Pressure now: 1020.2 mb
Max pressure today: 1020.2 mb at 20:47
Min pressure today: 1019.0 mb at 16:23
Change in last 6 hours: +0.7 mb
Change in last 12 hours: +0.6 mb
Change in last 24 hours: +3.1 mb
Pressure trend: Rising slowly

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